Given its interest for the entire profession, we attach the ruling issued by the Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court, due to the special relevance it has for our group.
The Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court has resolved in its Sentence of April 28, 2016, the appeal of unconstitutionality against the Law of the Valencian Community 10/2007, of March 20, on the Valencian Matrimonial Economic Regime.
Said ruling declares articles 15, 17.2, 27.2, 30, 33, 37, 39, 42, 46, 47 and 48 of the Valencian Matrimonial Economic Regime Law unconstitutional and void, and consequently and by connection declares the rest of the articles unconstitutional and void. articles and provisions of the Law.
The TC concludes that the contested norm has exceeded the legislative competence that the Valencian Community has in matters of civil law (art. 149.1.8 CE).
In relation to the effects produced by the unconstitutionality of this norm and its consequent nullity, the Constitutional Court itself has resolved that “will not affect consolidated legal situations”, so it will not affect marriages contracted during the validity of the rule.